Author: admin

Intravenous Micronutrient Therapy

Administering nutrients directly into the bloodstream is the most powerful form of nutritional medicine available. Intravenous infusion allows us to bypass the gastrointestinal tract and

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Primary Care

Primary care physicians are not only the first medical contact for a patient who is suffering from an undiagnosed medical condition, but also the provider

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Food Sensitivity Testing

Nutrition is the basis a good health and good nutrition is founded on healthy dietary choices. However, in many cases what we should and should

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Weight Loss

Weight loss is a goal for many individuals. And there is no shortage of diets or programs designed to help you lose weight. At the

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Thyroid Disorders

Dysfunctional thyroid disorders are one of the most commonly undiagnosed conditions in young to middle-aged adults and can have an enormous impact on health and

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Skin Health

The health and appearance of your skin is important on many levels. What we see on the outside often indicates what is going on under

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