Understanding IV Therapy
IV therapy is the fastest way to deliver fluids and medications to the body, which is why it is used throughout the medical profession, especially in emergency situations. IV therapy is the process by which liquid substances are infused directly into a vein, bypassing the gut. This allows for an easy and quick, one hundred percent absorption rate of supplements at high dose levels that few individuals would be able to tolerate orally. It is invaluable in correcting electrolyte imbalances, delivering medications, allowing for blood transfusions, providing fluid replacement for dehydration and much, much more. In other words, IV therapy allows an individual to detoxify, nourish and rehydrate their cells from the inside, which leads to better and longer-lasting benefits.
Since IV therapy allows fluids to directly enter the body without passing through the gut, they can be helpful in correcting nutrient deficiencies inside cells. Sometimes, during illness or disease, nutrients have a reduced capacity to get into and remain inside the cells where they are needed. However, IV therapy can help to flood the body with sufficient nutrients so that they can get inside the cells and help to bring about desirable change. With repeated IV therapy over time, a patient may begin to notice that the condition they were suffering from slowly diminishes, and their body feels better and better as a result.
Some IV therapies may include magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C and more. They have been known to aid individuals in coping with fatigue, fibromyalgia, acute asthma attacks, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, seasonal allergies, migraine headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps and much more. If you are currently suffering from these or any other condition, IV therapy may be a beneficial choice.